
Monday, October 21, 2002

Bob Jones University may be making steps to clean up its image as far as racial matters go, but it is still perpetuating strident anti-Catholicism.

"The school's public relations problems probably come as much from its attitude toward other religions as from its past racial policies. Michelle Berg, a junior with a trendy short-handled purse whom I meet in the student center, assures me, 'We love [Catholics]. We have a way for them to be saved from hell.' But this involves telling them that 'what they believe is wrong' and unfortunately, says Berg, 'people don't see that as love.'''

It's one thing to not agree on the truth. But if being judgmental and presumptuous about another person's salvation is an expression of true Christian love, then send me to Hell right now because I will never be a Bob Jones fundamentalist.

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