
Saturday, June 29, 2002

Won't be able to blog for the coming week as I'll be in Cancun, Mexico for a litigation academy sponsored by the Alliance Defense Fund. It's great work if you can find it.

Friday, June 28, 2002

I understand that Rep. Mike Honda, a liberal Democrat from San Jose, was one of the three congressmen that voted against condemning the 9th Circuit's decision on the Pledge of Allegiance. Since Honda is of Japanese descent, this got me thinking about Asian-American politicians, and how there really aren't any that can be classified as conservative, much less Republican. This is most odd, given the fact that Asian culture tends to be relatively conservative, both fiscally and socially. And given the troubles that many Americans of Asian descent have encountered at the hands of government (see, e.g., Communist China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia) you'd think we would be a consistently solid Republican or conservative voting block. Sadly, however, too many Asian-Americans have bought into the ridiculous, liberal belief that "whitey" wants to oppress us. As a result, we tend to support and vote for any politician with an Asian name, despite the fact that they may have an ideology that is at odds with the traditional and transcendent values that most of us were brought up with and still hold.
Oddsocks Productions goes Orwellian -- changes "The Hunchback" to "The Bellringer". What a bunch of retards, errrr, mentally challenged individuals.
A tried and true limousine liberal -- Gores move into wealthy Nashville neighborhood. I wonder if they bought the property with their own money, or did some generous Buddhist monks just happen to have some extra land laying around to give to poor old Al and Tipper?
The financial scandal that Xerox is currently in is something I'm very sorry to see. Until his retirement a few years ago, my father had worked for Xerox for 25 years as an electrical engineer.
"Gay" activists bent on attacking and destroying the Church have apparently committed their own September 11th hijacking.
Seemingly following in the footsteps of the 9th Circuit, the 10th Circuit Court of appeals upholds bar on religious tiles at Columbine High School.

Thursday, June 27, 2002

The judge who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance case has put an indefinite stay on enforcing his decision. This is an obvious ploy to save face. On the one hand, if the entire 9th Circuit reviews the case and agrees with the judge's decision, he'll at least have safety in numbers for when the Supreme Court reverses them. On the other hand, if either the full 9th Circuit or Supreme Court affirms the lower district court decision in favor of the government, it will be as if the judge never wrote his stupidity because he put a stay on it.

Even though they've got lifetime appointments, this situation clearly shows how sensitive judges (liberal judges in particular) are about their public image.
Curious how the NEA's handwringing over the Supreme Court's voucher decision is a lot like the handwringing that Sacramento Kings fans are still engaged in. Get over it! YOU LOST!
In citing the case of Lemon v. Kurtzman the 9th Circuit seems to have conveniently ignored this sentence from the decision: "Our prior holdings do not call for total separation between church and state; total separation is not possible in an absolute sense. Some relationship between government and religious organizations is inevitable."
Proof that the 9th Circuit doesn't even follow its own precedence: In the 1970 case of Aronow v. United States, the 9th Circuit found no conflict bewteen the Establishment Clause and the government's use of "In God We Trust" on its coinage, currency, official documents, and publications.
After the travesty of the 9th Circuit's decision on the Pledge, the Supreme Court has just ruled that school vouchers are constitutional.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

UCLA Law Prof., and hopeless libertarian, Eugene Volokh finds the 9th Circuit's decision in the Pledge of Allegiance case to be a "perfectly plausible application" of Supreme Court precedence. Talk about giving yourself some wiggle room! Volokh's choice of words here suggests to me that he actually has no problem with the 9th Circuit's decision, even though it provides a perfect example of judicial activism (which, I presume, Volokh opposes given his longtime membership in the Federalist Society). C.Y.A. Euge, C.Y.A.

Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is found to be unconstitutional. The idiots in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals have done it again.
A nice little story on faith in the workplace. By the number of calls I get, not a lot of people are aware of the broad protections that are afforded to people of religious faith in the workplace. The source of these protections is Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which is mostly used in racial discrimination cases.
Most unfortunate: Bush administration quietly extends benefits to same-sex couples -- puts stamp of approval on disordered lifestyle.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Un-freakin'-believable! The Presbyterian church has affirmed the right to kill pre-born babies. On this note, I wonder why those lame-brains in "Catholics" for a Free Choice don't join them instead of trying to create dissent within the Catholic Church? I'll say this much for Martin Luther: at least he had the integrity to quit the Church rather than trying to cause turmoil and confusion within it.
Death penalty related case -- Supreme Court says juries, not judges, must decide whether an accused murderer's crime is worthy of being punished by the death penalty.

Given the changing trends in public opinion on the death penalty, this could very well result in a substantial decrease in executions...except in Texas.

Monday, June 24, 2002

Let's see the lavander mafia try to go against this group in Miami. As I've repeatedly asserted in this blog, homosexual desires are not the equivalent of race and ethnicity.
Talk about no brainers -- Supreme Court bars FLee Bailey from arguing before them.