
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How Bad is the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals?

One of its "better" judges, the libertarian leaning (natch) Alexander Kozinski, has been uploading explicit porn onto his website. (h/t)
The judge said he began saving the sexually explicit materials and other items of interest years ago.

"People send me stuff like this all the time," he said.

He keeps the things he finds interesting or funny with the thought that he might later pass them on to friends, he said.
Good gawd.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Potential "Kmiecian" Dilemma

So, if John McCain taps Mitt Romney to be his VP running mate, it'll be real interesting to see what Doug "Mental Gymnastics" Kmiec, a high ranking member of Romney's failed presidential campaign who has come out and endorsed Obamessiah, will do.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Silver Lining in G@y "Marriage" Ruling

As a matter of principle, the outright refusal by the California Supreme Court to put a stay on its recent g@y "marriage" ruling until after the November election, when Californians will have voted on the California Marriage Protection Act, is nothing short of an assault on representative government.

As a lawyer who practices in the area of family law, though, g@y "marriage" could potentially be economically lucrative for me. I don't have any hard data to back it up, but I'm inclined to believe that same sex couples, particularly g@y men, have a pretty high break up rate. Plus, I wouldn't have any moral qualms, like I currently do for real marriages, about assisting a homosexual divorce his/her homosexual spouse.

Overall, though, I really do hope my fellow Californians vote to pass the Marriage Protection Act.