
Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Teacher Sues Catholic School After Being Fired for Pro-Abortion Beliefs

The 21-page complaint [to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] also alleges that Curay-Cramer's dismissal based on her abortion rights views violates the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, which prohibits firing an employee for having an abortion. The complaint contends that though Curay-Cramer herself didn't have an abortion, she is entitled to the act's protections because of her views supporting abortion.

Talk about a tortured argument. Plus, I've filed several complaints for clients with the EEOC, and not once have I ever submitted anything longer than a page. If the attorney for this teacher thinks that the agent assigned to this case is going to be impressed by his 21-page rambling, he better think again. More likely is that the agent will see the lengthiness of the complaint, decide not to investigate, and shoot off a right to sue letter sooner than he normally would have.

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