
Wednesday, December 17, 2003

First Time for Everything

Because of concerns about spreading the flu, the Archdiocese of San Francisco has instructed all of its parishes to temporarily restrain from offering the Communion chalice and asking parishoners to only receive the Eucharist in the hand. I happened to be attending a Novus Ordo Mass in San Francisco when this announcement was made, and as such, it was the first time in my five years as a Catholic to receive Communion in the hand. The experience was a little unsettling for me, if only because I was incredibly self consciece about leaving any particles of the Eucharist in my hand. I was at least comforted by the fact that the priest who read the Archbishop's letter took the time to mention that not receiving Communion on the tongue would be a sacrifice for many of us.

BTW, note that the article I linked to states in the first paragraph that the Communion wine symbolizes Christ's blood. Just one more example of mainstream journalistic inaccuracy and sloppiness.

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